Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ummm...Happy New Years!!!

Well today is the start of a new year!! A fresh start. A time you can go to the gym to find that every treadmill, exercise bike, yoga ball is full and a time when you'd think restaurants get the lowest crowds of the year. Ah a new school starts again soon. I wonder if I'll do well or if I'll know anyone in my class or...oh the new year without a doubt will be the best one ever. 2012 is the year of choices. I know life is made up of a series of choices but this year is the year that things happen. I know for me I plan to be 135 lbs again. I also plan to finish the book I've been writing for the last 7 years. I think 7 is a wonderful, miraculous number and it seems this may just be the year to get "my baby" delivered. I plan to be a much better version of myself than last year. It's funny how just a few hours ago it was 2011 and now in this very moment it's 2012-January 1, 2012 to be exact. Somebody's birthday is today so to whomever you are- HAPPY BIRTHDAY & HAPPY NEW YEAR. I have a special mission though besides my book, weight, working on myself- I plan to get a better job and make new friends. I don't make friends very easily and remember a time it was just me & God. It still is me & God but I have friends I can talk about God to.

Things to try this year:
yoga (on a regular basis)
get into shape & be healthier
be more zen
encourage others and be a good influence to those around me
read more (my Bible & other books)
write my book
graduate from school
make new friends
watch what I say

Although there are many other things that I'd like to do this year, I'm going to discuss them another time but for now HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!